Did you know that
offsetting your
ecological footprint

can be a smart advertising tactic?

Project certification issued by:
- UNET - Experimental University of Táchira

Get to know our
"Green Marketing Plans"

( Tree adoption + Content production + Dissemination plan )

A marketing strategy based on the adoption of trees and designed for PYMEs
that recognize the potential to attract that niche market that values corporate environmental responsibility.

More than an advertising strategy, it is a commercial approach

The selection of any of the plans
starts with the adoption of a set of trees.

Basic Plan

Adoption of 50 trees
(30 day campaign)

Ideal for local initiatives of social responsibility.

Medium Plan

Adoption of 100 trees
(90 days campaign)

Perfect for companies looking for a medium term impact.

Master Plan

Adoption of 700 trees
(180 days campaign)

Ideal for companies committed to significant investment in sustainability.

Plan Excellence

Adoption of 1 Hectare
(360 days campaign)

Ideal for companies that are significantly committed to conservation.

description of
the elements of our campaigns

1.- Adoption certificate.

The adoption certificate is a digital document that is issued in order to validate your
investment in our reforestation and environmental conservation plans.

It is important to note that, depending on the tax legislation in force in each country,
this certificate may or may not offer the possibility
of deducting the amount contributed from taxes.

We recommend consulting a specialised tax advisor for specific guidance
on the tax benefits that could be obtained.

Play Video

2.- Expectation campaign.

The campaign begins with the publication of a series of (4 posts) strategically designed for social networks, the purpose is to generate expectation around the content that will be developed throughout the advertising action.

This first segment is composed of short videos ranging between 30 and 60 seconds plus written publications of 300 characters and ADS will be
disseminated in a planned manner for a week in our social networks.

3.- Presentation of the Campaign.

The presentation of the campaign is a video interpreted by
one of the directors of the Proyecto AVE Foundation in which he explains to the audience how the campaign will be structured and its components,
the informative posts, the educational videos and the advertorials.

This video shows the different ways in which the public will be able to
interact throughout the campaign interact throughout the campaign and
the importance of this reciprocity with the audience.

4.- Post for Social Networks.

The audience is kept stimulated with daily posts
of audiovisual content specially designed for social networks.

This strategy offers a unique opportunity to promote audience participation and raise awareness of the environmental cause being promoted.

5.- Educational content.

Depending on the selected plan, one or several micro
documentaries that will make up an
audiovisual series on biodiversity associated with woodlands.

This content provides an exceptional opportunity to transmit the company's corporate commitment to the dissemination of knowledge
about biodiversity and environmental conservation.

6.- Publi-Reports.

Publi-Reports are valuable pieces of extended content that incorporate
multimedia elements such as video and photographs, accompanied by a written article of approximately 1000 words.

These reports address issues related to the current environmental situation and the impact of anthropic action on natural resources.

Investing in Green Marketing, more than an advertising strategy, it is a
commercial approach that generates new market opportunities.

Dissemination plan

We know that every business has special requirements and we want to help you take your message even further. Our outreach plans are flexible and tailored to your jurisdiction.

We have options for all budgets, from small to large because our mission is to help you reach your goals and create real impact.

Do you appreciate the importance of connecting with a market segment
that is sympathetic to green and sustainable solutions?

Companies and organisations with whom we build exceptional synergy

Project certification issued by:
- UNET - Experimental University of Táchira